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Today, I say hello to the World!!

I officially opened my business SC Vet Hobbies on August 1, 2023. As an introduction, I am a veteran that loves to dabble in multiple hobbies to satisfy my creative needs. As you have the opportunity to review the site, you will see there are multiple areas of offerings in the future. Many of these I have already done in the past for one offs and markets but this time I am bringing them all together under one umbrella in order to offer quality items for adults and children for play and for decoration. Please feel free to reach out to me via the request form for information about products offered and services rendered. Keep in mind, that even if you don't see it on the site for sale, that the possibility to order from a single vendor, offering quality with a personal touch is there. I am keeping this initial post short in the hopes that you will return for the next one. These are not on a schedule at this time but expect a minimum of one per week. Along with this post, keep an eye out for a future vlog so that we can build the report that is needed in business. Until then, stay safe and keep creating.

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